Conducted by ScienceDaily on June 11, 2010. (Medical School in New Brunswick New Jersey)
Medical school evaluated that many students in high school don't get as much sleep, with 52% excessive daytime sleepiness, 32% with strong depression symptoms, and 32% had some depression symptoms. They found sleep deprivation as normal and also that midnight curfews causing stronger depression than 10 o' clock curfews.
The study was done on teens or generally just high school seniors. The high school steniors who had an age of around 17.7. who attended a school in New Jersey.
Doctors found many students to be sleep deprived and therefore strengthening symptoms of depression.
Conducted by ScienceDaily on August 3, 2010.(Lawrence T. Lam, Ph.D., of the School of Medicine, Sydney, and the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, Australia, and Zi-Wen Peng, M.Sc., of the Ministry of Education and SunYat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.)
Participants were evaluated with validated scales on depression and anxiety. In addition, they were asked to complete a questionaire upon their use of the Internet includign questions that ask of your behaviors according to.
The participants were done on 1,041 15 year old (on average) Chinese teens.
6.2% used the Internet moderately and 0.2% were at severe risk. Only, 9 months later it was shown that 0.2% had anxiety symptoms and 8.4% had depression. In conclusion, young people who were free of mental health issues but used the Internet later are subject to developing depression.
Conducted by ScienceDaily on November 18, 2009. (Researchers at the University of Bergen, Norway and the Institute of Psychology at King's College London.
Studies performed on a survey done by people and a mortality database. they compiled research based on mortality rates from people with depression, depression and anxiety, and smoking.
The people studied were basically patients with symptoms of anxiety and or depression and smoking.
In conclusion, it was found that people who smoke have a similar life or death to what depressed people have. Also, people who are depressed and anxious fare better because they are vulnerable to stress.