Schizotypal- A mental illness that the person has few if any relationships with anyone. They compose an introverted interaction keeping them from interacting with anyone and in turn have dilemmas with anxiety when facing social situations.
Paranoid- A mental illness that the person sees everyone displayed as mistrustful and suspicious. The illness is diagnosed when the patient is thoroughly distressed, disabling, or the emotions persistent.
Narcissistic- A mental disorder that the person has a high opinion of themself and craves for the same admiration they offer themselves. They believe themselves to be superior to others and have complete disregard for the others feelings. Said though that they are really fragile when critized.
Histrionic- A mental illness that the person has very unstable emotions and a distorted self-impression. They rely on the opinion of others to boost their confidence and feel they are not worthy of a good opinion upon themselves. They go through extreme measures to direct attention to themselves, making it "dramatical".
Antisocial- A chronic mental illness that the person's ways of thinking, perceiving situations, and relating to others is dysfunctional. The illness doesn't give regard for what is right or wrong. Also known as sociopathic personality disorder and sometimes seen as psychopathy.
Obsessive-Compulsive- A condition in where a person extremely preoccupies themself with rules, orderliness, and control
Avoidant- A mental illness that has the person avoiding any contact or situation in which they might find themselves anxious or embarassed. The constant worry that they will be ridiculed, criticizied, or rejected puts them on constant alert of suffering anxiety attacks, developing a a wall around themself of self-protection.
very good