Saturday, April 16, 2011

Marijuana is a Gateway Drug for Two Debates:

Basically, people use marijuana as an antidepressant and have, throughout the years, acquired an addiction to the drug, abusing it as they wish to rid of the addiction. Most of these people live in fear of what eventually the drug could do to them and try to get into programs but have difficulty in accomplishing the task.
Scientists say the drug is less harmful then most drugs and depending on the user's ways of abusing the drug, the drug could have different effects. Since other users use small amounts, lessening the potency of the drug just to satisfy a small craving.
In today's society, the drug is abused through the media, sending a different media than the government wants to send out with the influence it has on movies or music people actually watch, impressing a different image than the government wants, manipulating them into pulling the same acts.
Other than the influence of media, people use it as an emotional or mental outlet in their lives, used to
'be free' of some torture than they are under at the time. As much as the high gets you out of your state grief in life, it will put you in another that withdraws you from society and lowers you to a level that draws you towards crime or putting other people, including yourself, in danger.

Is Pot Good For You

Although in the past, ads were put up encouraging the use of marijuana, some scientists also exaggerated the negative outcomes of its use while in reality the effects were close to nothing of harmful.
Marijuana has never killed anyone since the time of its use but there have been effects that detain a person from a healthy life and may indirectly cause death. It may cause ischemia, which is an insufficient blood supply, or clog circulation in the blood, leading to amputations, this noticed in heavy drug users in France. Other than that, while high, once coordination is off balance, like drunk, causing someone to lose control while driving.
Marijuana is capable of affecting the immune system, due to a body’s receptor for cannabinoids being in the immune cells. In fact, people who smoke tobacco are more likely to suffer inflammation of the lungs then marijuana users. Also people who have known diseases or unease use marijuana to usually stimulate their appetite or ease among them to settle their discomfort.

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